In the vast galaxy of Ansible playbooks, where tasks unfold and configurations align, a powerful technique lies hidden within the realm of tags. With this ancient knowledge, you can wield the ability to shape the destiny of your playbook’s execution, ensuring precise control over the tasks that come to life.

Amidst the arsenal of tags, a special one emerges: the never tag. When bestowed upon a task, it carries a sacred purpose - to prevent the task’s execution during a normal playbook run. By pairing the never tag with another descriptive tag, such as tagged_task, you forge a powerful combination that allows you to selectively execute named tasks at will.

When the moment arises to summon forth the might of a specific task, you need only utter the sacred incantation:

- name: Never tag
  hosts: all
    - name: The Task with the "never" Tag
      command: echo "I am a tagged task, but I shall never be executed!"
        - tagged_task
        - never

With your playbook at the ready, invoke the power of the “tagged_task” by issuing the command:

ansible-playbook playbook.yaml --tags=tagged_task

Marvel as the designated task springs to life, while the never tagged task remains dormant, its purpose unfulfilled. Through the mastery of tags, you become the orchestrator of destiny, guiding the execution of tasks within your ansible galaxy.

May the tags be with you as you embark on this journey of control and precision in your Ansible playbooks!